Tsuki is translated as ‘thrust'. Tsukis is the title given to any thrusting technique. Punches in karate are termed as tsuki. It is with the help of two knuckles of the fist which are called seiken (fore-fist) that these attacks are traditionally delivered. The techniques performed with the fore-knuckles of the fist and spear-hand attacks are also referred to as tsuki.
The most popular form of attack in karate is the punching techniques (using the seiken). Punching techniques are quick, powerful and versatile and for this reason they are often used. In order to be capable of withstanding impact, punches keep their hands in a very solid and stable position. There are certain other attacks that can turn out to be of more effective than punching, theoretically.
Tsuki can be categorized as follows:
Basic Punches
A full spreading or extension of the arm is required by all basic punches and they are linear. These punches are often considered to be the most powerful and possess the longest range. It is very easy to learn them and they can be used in a simple manner. In karate, they are the mostly used form of attack. It is likely that a punch is a basic one if it is used in dojo. It is in kata that other punching techniques are used.
Chudan Tsuki
(Middle Punch)
Jodan Tsuki
(Face Punch)